Pear Deck Follow Up and Update

Many of you attended the Pear Deck session on our building institute day at the end of August. I wanted to provide you all with a quick follow up and  an update.

Announcing Pear Deck Power Up!

Pear Deck is excited to introduce the Pear Deck Power-up! The Power-up is a free Google Chrome extension. Installing it ensures that your videos, animations, and GIFs are embedded on your slides and play at full resolution on the projector and student devices—exactly the way they should!

Want to show a video about the Mars Rover? Do it. Need to carefully layer in information on a slide to reduce information overload? Now you can. Found a perfect GIF of a plant emerging from its seed? Now’s the time to power-up!

Get Ready to Power Up
Install the Power-up from the Chrome Web Store from the device you use in class. After you authorize and install, it automagically works! Now when you present with Pear Deck the Power-up your videos, animations, and gifs will display on the projector and student devices.

Here are 3 ways you can use Pear Deck Power Up in class:

Play a video in your presentation






Use animations to reveal or emphasize specific information.






Have fun with GIFs! Try adding a GIF and having students interact using a Draggable slide.







Also, Pear Deck is giving away some prizes this month. All you need to do is present 3 times in September using Pear Deck for a chance to win 1 of 3 grand prizes. 1st prize is $500 for classroom supplies!

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