Warriors You Should Know – Terry Zettle

Sorry for the break in our Warriors You Should Know posts. With Homecoming week last week and in covering all of the new teachers the weeks before, I needed a break. However, it is time to get back to our weekly Warriors You Should Know posts. This week’s featured staff member is none other than Terry Zettle. Terry was one of the first people that I met here at WV and we formed a quick friendship after discovering we were both Green Bay Packer fans. Don’t let that keep you from saying hello to Terry, as he is a great person and does a lot for our students and staff here at WV. I hope you enjoy getting to know more about Terry.

[staff_member id=”735″ show_name=”0″ show_title=”0″ show_bio=”0″ show_photo=”1″ show_email=”0″ show_phone=”0″ show_address=”0″ show_website=”0″]

What do you do here at WV?
Dean’s Assistant

Do you coach or oversee any clubs/activities here at WV?
Not currently, but I wear WV State Championship rings for bowling. Was Assistant Coach for 2 State Championships in 2013 & 2014.

How many years of experience in education do you have?
13 in total

Where were you at before WV?
Spent 14 years in the golf business as PGA Member and taught in Plainfield School District.

Why did you get into education?
To be a positive influence on young people

Where did you go to high school?
Shannon High School. 125 Students/21 in graduating class

Where did you go to college?
Proudly graduated an EIU Panther!

Where do you get inspiration from?
To NOT be a teacher like some I had growing up

Do you have a favorite Warrior Memory?
The crazy scene winning our two State Bowling Championships.

Is there a student that you will never forget?
There have been a number of them.

Tell us why they were so memorable.
They were memorable for their scholarship, work ethic, personality and compassion.

What is your most embarrassing moment?
In my lifetime, briefly forgetting my line in high school production of “Our Town”. (I got it together.)

Favorite Food/Beverage?
Rib-eye steak/Pepsi

Favorite childhood teacher and why?
Miss Byers, English.  She’s why I see myself as a bit of a stickler for grammar.

When not at school, where do you like to spend your time or what do you like to do?
Riding my Harley, fishing, playing golf, spending time in back yard or on the deck.

Do you have any special talents?
I can juggle a bit, sing a bit.

What are your future goals?
Retire, one day…..

If your department had to vote you, “most likely to…”, what would they vote you?
….Be here EARLY!!!

What did you do this summer?
Taught behind-the-wheel driving, rode my motorcycle, visited Wyoming (2nd year in a row).

What is your goal for this school year?
Not catch colds nor the flu through the winter months.

Now that you know more about Terry, be sure to say hello as you see him in the halls this year.

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