Warriors You Should Know – Cort Graske

This week’s Warrior You Should Know is one of Waubonsie Valley’s amazing counselors. Last year he was one of the Junior House counselors, but with the switch to Alpha Houses this year, he now works in the Tradition House (Main Office) with students whose last names start with F-H. I hope you enjoy getting to know Cort Graske.

[staff_member id=”415″ show_name=”0″ show_title=”0″ show_bio=”0″ show_photo=”1″ show_email=”0″ show_phone=”0″ show_address=”0″ show_website=”0″]

What do you do here at WV?
I am a counselor, I work with students through academics, social emotional, and college/career planning

Do you coach or oversee any clubs/activities here at WV?
I help coordinate AP testing.

How many years of experience in education do you have? Where were you at before WV?
I have 16 years of experience. I worked 1 year at West Aurora and this is my 15th year at WVHS.

Why did you get into education?
I got into education to work with students and help them navigate high school and prepare for college. I enjoy watching the progress students make.

Where did you go to high school?
Bolingbrook High School.

Where did you go to college?
Central College of Iowa, located in Pella, Iowa

Where do you get inspiration from?
My older brother and dad were great role models for me. I try to live as they do.

Do you have a favorite Warrior Memory?
Watching the students walk across the stage at any graduation. It is a great milestone.

Is there a student that you will never forget? Tell us why they were so memorable.
I won’t embarrass the student, but his initials were L.E and he graduated in 2014. He was memorable because he brought a smile everyday and made everyone’s day better. It was impossible not to laugh when you were with him.

What is your most embarrassing moment?
Graduation of 2010. I had two students on my caseload with the exact same first and last name, only the middle name was different. I, of course, mixed up the diplomas so they each received the wrong one.

Favorite book?
The Green Mile

Favorite Song/Artist? 
Of Monsters and Men

Favorite Food/Beverage?

Favorite childhood teacher and why?
My Chemistry Teacher in High School. He was pretty crazy and would jump on desks and spray students with his “wake up juice” which was water from a beaker. He made it impossible to not pay attention in class.

When not at school, where do you like to spend your time or what do you like to do? Do you have any special talents?
I spend most of my time chauffeuring my kids to practices and games. I do enjoy fishing when I have the time.

Who do you live with? Spouse, kids, pets, etc.
I live with my wife and have a 10 year old son and 12 year old daughter. We also have 1 dog, 2 cats, a frog, and a turtle. I have to take care of them all.

If your department had to vote you, “most likely to…”, what would they vote you?
Delete the email I was supposed to read.

What did you do this summer?
We went to Colorado for the 1st time with my family, went white water rafting, drove Pike’s Peak, and did lots of hiking. Highly recommended

What is your goal for this school year?​
Since I have a new caseload this year, I want to try and get to know my students better and build relationships with them.

Be sure to say hello to Cort the next time you see him in the halls of WV!

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